Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Non-stop Saturday.

This morning my sweet son-in-law (hence forward to be called 'just' my son) went up to our firearm instructor's range so I could try out a Springfield XD9.  I'm looking to return my SCCY and replace it with something more reliable.  I'm just in love.  I must own one.  Soon.  Shoots like a dream!
Raine wanted to shoot his new firearm while I was checking out the XD9.  I just love quality time with my kids!
LOVE this little baby!

I'm a pretty darn good shot.

A quick lunch and a stop at Home Depot for another big, expensive pot and citrus soil to plant my new little blood orange tree!  I also bought a bunch of different product to try to make soil cubes so I can get my seedlings started.

While I was planting my orange tree, I threw my onion sets into a bucket of water to hydrate a bit.  As soon as the orange was rehomed, I got busy getting the onions into the ground.  I had 3 varieties for that garden, and there are three neat 25-ish foot rows of onionlings that I need to water tomorrow!

Planted in a neat row, and put to bed with a little straw on top!

Day wasn't done, yet!  QUACK, QUACK, hollered my ducks.  They wanted fresh water, so I complied.  They aren't quite as spooked now that I convinced Kern to stop picking them up, and they even stood nearby and watched while I filled their pool.  They are big (just over 8 weeks) now, and when the sun shines on the black ducks, you catch flashes of blue and green.  Beautiful!
I haven't figured out how to add a video yet, but you get a glimpse at least!

After all that excitement, I decided to try to make some soil cubes.  I'm anxious to get some seeds started.  I followed the 'recipe' in the directions, but they are iffy at best.  I think I'll just make a bunch of paper pots like I have in previous years.  I need to find some newspapers...

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